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  • gladyskerwin

Benefits of Chicory Root

Chicory root is a plant that is in the dandelion family and which has flowers that are bright blue. The root of the chicory plant is mainly ground to be used as an additive or substitute to coffee, or it is filtered to the extract of chicory root. The seeds, as well as leaves of these plants, are also used in culinary dishes. All the parts of the chicory plant have been proved to have some positive health benefits because of the high levels of polyphenols as well as dietary fibers that are soluble and contained in the plant. There are so many benefits that come with the consumption of chicory root. The following are some of the benefits that you are going to reap from the intake of chicory root. Catch more details at

The first benefit of chicory root that you will achieve is that it helps to reduce the absorption of glucose in intestines. Sugar glucose is mainly absorbed in small intestines. Research has proved that when you consume glucose with the extract of chicory root, then there will be a reduction in the absorption of glucose in the small intestines. The reduction in glucose absorption can be attributed to the increased viscosity that comes into the intestines due to the extract of chicory root. For this reason, when taking food which has glucose on the keto diet, it will be beneficial for you to take it with the chicory root extract to reduce the intake of glucose absorption and thus the response in insulin.

The second benefit of taking chicory root is that it will help in increasing the beneficial bacteria and also reduce the pathogenic ones. The inulin in the chicory root has been shown to help in to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the large intestines. These bacteria’s helps a lot in preventing the growth of tumor in the intestines. Chicory root has also been shown to reduce the growth of bacteria’s which are pathogenic.

Chicory root also helps in increasing the adiponectin levels. This is a hormone which is secreted from the adipose tissue and help in the regulation of glucose levels in the body. It has been showing to help in improving the sensitivity of insulin, and this is by increasing the breakdown as well as the utilization of fat and also suppressing the production of glucose in the liver. This helps a lot in preventing the occurrence of some diseases which are related to body sugar levels. View more details here at

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